Here we have brought some useful notes for all competitive exams etc. We have provided knowledgeable things which you will love to read. And if you want us to provide more informations then please let us know with the topics. We will work on that.
1. Name of the first Atomic Submarine of India ?
1. Name of the first Atomic Submarine of India ?
I.N.S Chakra
2. What is the name of first British to visit India ?
3. Name of the first election commissioner of India ?
Sukumar Sen.
4. Name of the first university of India ?
Nalanda University.
5. Where is India's First nuclear centre ?
6. Name of the first Chinese pilgrim to visit India ?
7. Name of first foreign recipient of Bharat Ratna ?
Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan
8. Where was the first Post Office opened in India ?
Kolkata in 1727
9. Name of the first deputy Prime Minister of India ?
Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
10. Name of first Space Tourist of India ?
Santosh George
11. Name of the first Aircraft Carrier Indian Ship ?
I.N.S. Vikrant
12. Name of First Indian who reached south pole ?
Col. I K Bajaj
13. Name of first Indian who won Billiards Trophy ?
Wilson Jones
14. Name of the First Indian Prime Minister who resigned from
Office ?
Office ?
Moraji Desai
15. First Indian recipient of Oscar Award ?
Bhanu Athaiya
16. Name of the first Indian President to Die in office ?
Dr. Zakir Hussain
17. Name of the First Indian Author to get the Anderson Award ?
Ruskin Bond
18. Name of First Indian Missile ?
19. Name of first Indian Pilot ?
J.R.D. Tata in 1929
20. Name of the first Chief of Naval staff of India ?
Vice-Admiral R.D. Katari
21. Name of the first Indian to win Magsaysay Award ?
Acharya Vinoba Bhave in 1958
22. Name of first Indian to win Nobel Prize ?
Rabindranath Tagore
23. First Scientist of India to get Nobel Prize in Economics ?
Dr. Amartya Sen
24. Name of the First Indian Submarine ?
I.N.S. Cauveri
25. Name of the first person to get Paramvir Chakra
Major Somnath Sharma
26. First Indian to go into space ?
Sqn. Ldr. Rakesh Sharma
27. Name of first Indian to get Bharat Ratna Award ?
Dr. S Radhakrishnan
28. Name of first speaker of Lok Sabha ?
G.V. Mavlankar from 1952-1957
29. Name of first president of Indian National Congress ?
W.C. Banerjee
30. First President of India ?
Dr. Rajendra Prasad
31. Name of first Indian to get Jnanpeeth Award ?
G. Shankar Kurup