Top 5 inventions of 2019
The past two to three years have seen a wide array of promising inventions enter the prototyping stage or even break into the market from gadgets that make live easier to products that disrupt an entire industry.
Lets take a look on Top 5 Inventions of 2019

1. Xbox adaptive controller
The xbox adaptive controller is here to make game world more inclusive. The Microsoft developed Xbox adaptive controller is here to those with limited hand and arm mobility play games.
2. LynQ

Getting seperated from and family members at an event or festival can be annoying. LynQ helps you find your loved ones when you get seperated from the group.

                         3.The Mirror

The mirror is one of the sleekest looking invention on this list. Perfect for those with fitness goals in 2019,the interactive mirror helps take your home fitness regime to the next level.
                       4.Gravity Jet Suit

If you are planning to join the avengers in their fight against Thanos, you are going to want to get your hands on this suit created by gravity industry. The 1,050 horsepower system uses five mini- jet engines to help users war through the sky at 80 kph.

                  5.A solar water purifier
Another twist to the water purifier, this innovation by Professor Vasant Natarajan, from the Department of Physics is low cost and does not require membranes or electricity. According to Natarajan, this device could purify all kinds of water – sea, bore well, ponds, even rain water – into drinkable water, and produce 1.5 litres out of 3 litres of impure water. Explaining how the device works, he said that first the water is evaporated using solar energy, and then the vapours are condensed on a cold surface. What’s left behind is all the impure substances such as bacteria, arsenic, and fluoride.